Fondation maison des sciences de l'homme

Programme DEA (Directeur d'étude associé)

20 novembre 2017

Créée en 1975 à l'initiative de Fernand Braudel, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, le programme DEA octroie des bourses pour inviter pendant 4 à 6 semaines, des professeurs et des chercheurs seniors avec un PhD ou équivalents, en provenance du monde entier, et travaillant dans le secteur de la recherche ou des études supérieures, pour leur permettre de mener leurs recherches en France.

Financial details

A monthly allowance of 3 300 € is awarded for transport and stay expenses. In addition, FMSH provides support for visa applications and logistics (accommodation and access to libraries).

Eligibility Criteria

  • The programme is intended solely for senior researchers, with a PhD or equivalent, and working in institutions of higher education and research.
  • Applicants must be no older than 65 at the time of their stay.
  • The research stay in France must be justified

Evaluation process and criteria

Projects will be evaluated according to those criteria :

  • The quality of the scientific dossier and the methodology developed
  • The relevance of a research stay in France regarding the scientific project

After a scientific expertise of the research projects, decisions regarding invitations are made by a commission made up of the FMSH president and scientific directors, as well as various specialists

Results will be communicated directly to applicants the latest by March 2018.

Contents of the application and Calendar

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A list of scientific publications
  • A research project (4-5 pages) and a bibliography
  • A letter of support by a French researcher is welcome

Fleche vers un site exterieur (nouvelle fenêtre)Applications written in French or English should be sent via our online platform :

Once on the platform, in your online application for DEA, please select for the year of the call : 2018 and for the session of the call : Sept-Nov 2017.

For further information or if you encounter difficulties, contact

Applications shall be sent by November 20th 2017, 5:00pm (French time). Late, incomplete or not conformed applications will not be considered.

The research stay must start no later than November 1st 2018.